Principles and Values

The “Sudan of the Future” program aims to build a modern, progressive Sudanese state that fulfills the interests and aspirations of its citizens and coexists peacefully with its regional and global environment. This state can only be established on the basis of citizenship. In the “Sudan of the Future,” all Sudanese citizens are equal in rights and duties, regardless of gender, region, religion, or class. Any discriminatory practices among citizens based on their gender, region, religion, or social origin are strictly prohibited in the “Sudan of the Future.” Citizenship rights are granted to anyone born in Sudan or born to a Sudanese father or mother.
The “Sudan of the Future” program is also based on the principles of a unified and deep-rooted Sudanese identity. Although Sudanese people speak different languages, follow different religions, and have diverse regions and appearances, they have been united throughout history by a single Sudanese identity that has formed through shared living and a cultural and civilizational heritage spanning thousands of years. Therefore, the Sudanese state under the “Sudan of the Future” government recognizes the diversity of individual and local identities and cultures in Sudan, respects them, and believes in their peaceful coexistence and mutual influence within the framework of a unified Sudanese identity.
The principles of freedom and human dignity form a fundamental basis for the “Sudan of the Future” program. Life and progress are not possible without freedom and human dignity. Therefore, the “Sudan of the Future” team is committed to the principles of freedom and human dignity, the right of people to choose their destiny and make decisions about their lives and matters that concern them, and the foundations of democracy as a system of governance. Under the “Sudan of the Future” government, any practices of forced labor, slavery, torture, and inhumane or cruel treatment of humans and animals will be strictly prohibited.
The “Sudan of the Future” program acknowledges the principle of social justice as a necessity for human development and a requirement imposed by the evolution of societies. The Sudanese state under the “Sudan of the Future” government will work to eliminate poverty and need, assist the most vulnerable groups, especially women, children, and those affected by crises and wars, and develop appropriate programs for that purpose. The “Sudan of the Future” program considers the right to housing and work as constitutional rights for every family and citizen. Education and health under the “Sudan of the Future” government will be free and accessible to all, and all covenants and commitments related to economic and social rights will be ratified and become part of the constitution, enforceable and applicable.
The “Sudan of the Future” campaign rejects authoritarianism in governance and centralization in decision-making. Therefore, the “Sudan of the Future” program is based on the establishment of broad federalism, local governance, and the decentralization of power, allowing people to decide on the development of their local communities. Democracy and the right to make decisions are not limited to elections held every few years. Instead, under the “Sudan of the Future” government, the mechanism of referendums will be widely used to determine people’s choices on major issues at both local and central levels. The central authority will be limited to general policies, sovereign practices, security, and defense.
The “Sudan of the Future” program seeks to achieve comprehensive economic revival and to unleash the country’s material and human resources for the development and progress of the nation. This revival will be carried out through the establishment of large-scale production projects and the infusion of substantial capital investments into the Sudanese economy. The economic program of the “Sudan of the Future” aims to create a self-sufficient, economically secure country that significantly contributes to the economic progress of the African continent and humanity as a whole.
The “Sudan of the Future” program is also grounded in the supremacy of the constitution, the rule of law, and its application to everyone. It emphasizes the inevitability of punishment for crime and the fight against favoritism and corruption. The constitution will be ratified in a general referendum by citizens, and no laws or regulations that do not align with the constitutional texts will be enacted or accepted under the “Sudan of the Future” government. Additionally, a comprehensive transitional justice system will be implemented in the “Sudan of the Future” to investigate the facts, identify crimes committed against citizens since the dawn of independence, and hold those responsible accountable according to the law.
The preservation of citizens’ safety, security, rights, protection from internal and external aggression, and safeguarding of private and public property is a primary requirement for the “Sudan of the Future” government. Our program adopts the concept of comprehensive security, which includes economic and social security and civil peace, rather than focusing solely on police or punitive aspects. Maintaining security is tied to legal reform and the development of police, prosecution, and judicial systems in line with human rights and constitutional provisions. The “Sudan of the Future” program aims to build a military and security apparatus that is smaller in number but highly disciplined, efficient, well-equipped, and trained to carry out its tasks in a modern and effective manner.
The “Sudan of the Future” program is also based on principles of civil peace, mending social fractures, and promoting cooperation among classes and cultures rather than conflict. Local and regional issues and grievances will be resolved through mutual agreement in a manner that preserves rights, addresses injustices, and reconciles people. The leadership of “Sudan of the Future” strives for reconciliation among different segments of Sudanese society, the establishment of historical truth, the redress of wrongs, and the healing of hearts.
The “Sudan of the Future” team seeks to enhance regional cooperation within the framework of the Horn of Africa, Sahel countries, and the African Union to ensure open borders and the free movement of people between all African countries. The “Sudan of the Future” campaign also aims to make the Red Sea a lake of peace, security, and cooperation among the countries of the region. The leadership of “Sudan of the Future” will work to strengthen international cooperation in the interest of Sudan, the region, and the world as a whole, based on equality, shared interests, and the promotion of international peace and security, as well as the protection of the planet from pollution, wars, and crises.