SoF Program

SoF summary program

‏ The Sudanese people must make a fundamental decision. Do we continue the three decades of political and economic backsliding or do we fight for a progressive and realistic change that brings about stability and inclusive prosperity for all of us?
Sudan of the Future  political block, unfold a comprehensive program aims to address the very urgent challenges that beset our nation. SoF team have carefully analyzed the current ‏situations in Sudan and come up with a vision and mission that further detailed in the summary program.

‏Political Challenges:
‏• Peace is a first and the foremost prerequisite for sustainable democracy in Sudan. SoF will initiate an inclusive dialogue to bring about peace and stability in the conflict zones in Eastern Sudan, South Kordofan, South Blue NIle and Darfur. We can’t call for economic growth whereas conflicts devour our human capital and natural resources.

‏Governance Challenges:
‏Federation system in Sudan was  ineffective and rife with flaws. In fact, it is a centralized repressive system that solely controlled from Khartoum. In fact the federal system was designed to give citizens the right to vote and choose their governors and representatives at the state level. This is how democracy operates.

‏We will constitute a real federated state with delegated powers to regions and local governments, where only fiscal policies, security and international affairs would be run by the Central Government.

‏Social Challenges:
SoF programs aims at the following :

Health – decrease children mortality, provide access to health institutions for all citizens, and conduct national programs to combat endemic diseases such as malaria, dysentery and bilharzia,

Education – only educated citizens can contribute to the future and growth of the country. Therefore, access to knowledge for all citizens is extremely important. Education infrastructure is to be re-built and widened. A wide reform of the education system concerning content, methodology, educational levels and use of IT would be conducted,

Access to food and clean water is a right for all. SoF plan to increase agriculture productivity to supply all citizens with healthy food and clean water,

‏Climate change is serious conundrum that we take into consideration. The threat of desertification is to be addressed with reforestation programs,

Economic growth:
‏While providing SWOT analyses for Sudan a vast potential of development was  recognized in different sectors of economy, mainly:

Agriculture : Sudan would take example of other countries with advanced and modern agriculture production, despite having water scarcity problems (e.g. Spain, Madeira region in Portugal, Israel, etc). This is in order to deliver the following :

‏• Livestock and food production, for local market and export: this include using the huge agriculture potential for the production of cereals, rice ( in south Darfur region), cow and meat (South Darfur, South and West Kordfan, South of Gaziera (G2) projects) , fishery, poultry (especially ostrich) , fruits and vegetables
‏• Agricultural products for export purposes, which include mainly oilseeds, Arabic gum, coffee, and Aloes Vera,

Transport and logistic services, both locally and regionally (for at least four locked neighboring countries). This requires the development of ports, roads, railways and river transport
‏• Renewable energy including solar, geochemical, hydro and biogas power. Photovoltaics industry can be developed with the help of EU and China
‏• Tourism– five areas and sectors to develop tourism have been identified: exclusive Costal Tourism in the Eastern Sudan region (current Read Sea State with support of Kassala town), Mountain Tourism (with Jabal Marra, Jabal MIdoub ,and Nuba mountains as main mountain tourism centers), Natural Reserves tourism (Dinder, Rahad and Al Mardoum national parks), Historical Tourism (Nubia and Sinner), economic tourism (Khartoum, big cities, Al Gaziera region)
‏• Mining, including Oil, gas, gold, iron ore, rare earth elements for electronics and advanced industries

Financial reforms :
‏• Appropriate financial politics and fiscal policy, including radical currency solutions, stock exchange, green bonds, projects for SRI (Socially Responsible Investments), etc.
‏• Effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Political reforms :
‏Democratic constitutions and appropriate secular and liberal legislation is essential to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and access to justice and social rights for all , thus we call for :

  1. ‏new democratic secular constitution guarantying economic and social rights,
  2. termination of public order law and other repressive laws,
  3. reformation of all  Sudanese laws according to the constitution and international conventions,
    ‏6. Empowerment of women, youth and all citizens